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Biggest Ports Worldwide

Ports: Gateways to Global Trade

Ranking the Giants

In the vast expanse of the global maritime industry, a select few ports stand tall as titans, handling an astonishing volume of containerized cargo. These colossal hubs serve as vital gateways for international trade, connecting continents and fueling economic growth. Among them, three ports reign supreme, accounting for a staggering 11,795 million TEU (twenty-foot equivalent units) in container throughput.

Shanghai: The Unrivaled Leader

China's Shanghai Port stands as the undisputed champion, handling a record-breaking 47.33 million TEU in 2021. This bustling metropolis is a hub for both domestic and international trade, boasting a sophisticated infrastructure and strategic location at the mouth of the Yangtze River.

Singapore: Asia's Maritime Nexus

Perennially ranked among the top ports globally, Singapore is a thriving maritime center at the heart of Southeast Asia. With a throughput of 37.54 million TEU in 2021, Singapore serves as a transshipment hub for the region, connecting major trading partners across Asia and beyond.

Shenzhen: China's Rising Star

Shenzhen Port, located in southern China, has emerged as a formidable player in the global port landscape. Handling 30.42 million TEU in 2021, it is China's second-largest port and a key gateway for trade with neighboring countries and the rest of the world.

The Significance of Containerized Cargo

Containerization has revolutionized global trade, enabling efficient and secure transportation of goods across vast distances. These standardized steel boxes allow for faster loading and unloading, reducing handling time and costs. The massive volume of containerized cargo handled by the world's largest ports is a testament to the importance of this mode of transportation.

Supply Chains: A Global Network

Container ships traversing the world's oceans are integral to the complex web of global supply chains. They carry manufactured goods from Asia to Europe, raw materials from Africa to the Americas, and countless other commodities that sustain modern economies. The efficiency and reliability of these ports are crucial for maintaining the smooth flow of goods and services around the globe.


The world's three largest ports — Shanghai, Singapore, and Shenzhen — play an indispensable role in facilitating international trade and economic development. Their colossal size and advanced infrastructure enable them to handle an unprecedented volume of containerized cargo, fueling global supply chains and connecting nations across vast oceans. As the global economy continues to expand, these maritime giants will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of international trade, shaping the future of global commerce.
